Thursday, June 19, 2014

Supplies You Will Need:

~ 1 cup confectioners’ sugar, 4.5 oz
~ 3/4 cup almond flour, 2.5 oz. 
~ 2 large egg whites, room temperature (no farm fresh eggs! older eggs hold air better, and take them from the fridge the day before or the morning of and let them sit there happily on the counter and warm to room temp)
~ Pinch of cream of tartar
~ 1/4 cup superfine sugar, 1.5 oz. (also called baker’s sugar, I’ve read you can make your own by processing granulated sugar, but have never tried it)
~ 3/4 cup seedless raspberry jam, for filling
~ food coloring (optional)

Before You Begin:

**Choose a nice, cool, dry day to make these. Humidity is not your friend. Because whipped whites are mostly air, if the air is too moist it can flatten your macarons. A hot kitchen can also deflate whites.
Seperate your eggs in advance. Eggs are easier to separate when they’re cold, so seperate them at least an hour and up to a day before, then cover with plastic wrap so it touches the surface of the egg, and just leave the whites on the counter.

**Have everything you need in place so you don’t have anything to slow you down once your eggs are whipped.

Here's How It's Done: 

1. Pulse confectioners’ sugar and almond flour in a food processor until combined. Sift mixture 2 times. (Sifting with a usual flour sifter is near impossible. The almond flour will cake under the sifting hand and ball up over it. Instead, sift with a simple bowl-shaped sieve.)

2. Whisk whites with a mixer on medium speed until foamy. Add cream of tartar, and whisk until soft peaks form. Reduce speed to low, then add superfine sugar. Increase speed to high, and whisk until stiff peaks form (3 to 5 minutes). If you’re going to add color, do so near the end of your whipping.

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